EV ChargePass – Mobile
UX Manager, Lead, & Contributor
The EV Chargepass mobile app helps businesses manage expenses, cards, credit accounts, and bill payments, across many accounts in the EV purchase category space. The technology and data powering this EV app is sourced from many separate systems. The EV ChargePass mobile app offers many common mapping / location tools, but many unique tools for drivers of EV vehicles, or managers of fleets that include EV vehicles. Over time, there are different brands and ports of this app, with different levels of integration over time. The PlugSurfing.co.uk integration is the version as of early 2025. In the later versions of this app, it grew to be more integral into Google Maps and provided more useful Pricing & Charging data. The mobile app experience is most suited for Drivers / Employees but also has support for administrators. The Driven app itself is currently a home-grown, stand-alone app, with little to no customizations for other business partners (subject to change).
Typical Configuration:
Money Transactions * Cards * Purchase /Card Limits * PINs * Accounts * Fleets / Customer Groups * Bill Pay * Users * Security * Map * Location Services
1 – 10,000
Administrators * Viewers * Drivers / Employees
Mobile web, Apple, Android
Group: Global, PlugSurfing
- 1 – 1.5 – UX Consultants
- 1 – 3 Developers
- 1 QA
- 1 – 2 Product Owners
- 1 – 2 Stakeholders
- Course of 1 – 2 years
- How might the app communicate a driver’s ability to charge their vehicle, as quickly and effortlessly as possible?
- How can the driver profile be more intuitive, so the app usage can be more touch-go vs continuous maintenance?
- How should the app communicate costs and wait times, when data is often sparse or unreliable?
- What app experience should be promoted for non-registered and registered users?
- What degree of onboarding can we put pre-emptively onto the user before they arrive on the Home/Dashboard?
- How can we improve the charging experience, when an EV driver is off grid / out of network?
- What ways of displaying content would be most effective, to get an EV driver to consider getting one of our credit cards?
- How might a non-customer get pre-approved for more credit and more products?
- How might a user become more engaged with the app in ways that are not only charging the vehicle?
- How might a driver prefer to stay/remain in the app instead of leaving/going to Google Maps?
- ~250 wireframes / year (created, maintained)
- ~20 flow diagrams (users, systems) / year
- 211 UI component library
- 20+ UX consultations / year
- ~10 pages of annotations / year
- In-app feedback feature, linear
- Human analysis of data (data from internal and external systems)
- Interactive prototypes
- Register / Sign Up / Account setup
- Locate / Find EV Charge
- Get Pricing and Availability
- Upsell/Cross-Sell product interface
- Ride-along with Drivers
My contributions:
- Team lead – 30%
- Design wireframing, prototypes – 50%
- Reporting / Presentations – 10%
- Reviewing / approving designs – 90%
- Data analysis – 20%
- Promoting / Selling UX services – 100%
- Content Writer – 40%
My team, including my group’s VP, contributed in other amounts, in other collaborative and useful ways.
- 12 Electric Vehicle Expert representative interviews
- 5 Driver interviews
- Analyzing internal data
- Live product usage data
- Google Analytics, SalesForce, PlugSurfing
- Team size, configuration, and various process changes
- Limited budgets ($0 – $10,000 / annual)
- Various changes in team configurations, ownership
- Above standard development & QA team.
- ~90% EV users located and mapped directions to a site in < 5 sec on avg that were in network, pre-existing / returning users – EV ChargePass
- ~40% EV users viewed / inspected pricing & availability on 2 sites on avg that were in network, pre-existing / returning users – EV ChargePass
- ~57% EV users only changed a saved filter setting only once in 3 months, of using the app – EV ChargePass
- Added first 1,000 users by 2024
Download the app: Comdata Chargepass™ on the App Store
More info: Comdata’s EV Payment Solution Chargepass
Contact me for a demo.